Bending the Curve

Written by Ad Astra | Oct 2, 2018 10:48:00 PM

How colleges and universities can rethink the course schedule to graduate more students, faster.

In the world of public policy, “bending the curve” describes efforts to change the conditions of a problem so that the output or result improves. Today, higher education institutions face a variety of challenges. The shifting demographics of higher education are creating further complexities for institutions being asked to do more with less. Institutions are being challenged to increase capacitywhile maintaining quality. They are responding to the needs of learners by creating new pathways to workforce relevant degrees and credentials.

Central to these issues lies a fundamental piece of the education puzzle: the schedule. It is the center of a student’s educational experience, but on too many campuses, schedules are unbalanced, overloaded, and inefficient -- all of which has a direct impact on retention efforts.

Led by Dr. John Barnshaw, former Associate Vice President of Research and Statistics at Ad Astra, this webinar will highlight a data-driven approach to explain the transformative potential of the schedule to improve retention and completion outcomes.

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