The City University of New York’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (CUNY ASAP) is a comprehensive program designed to help students earn their associate degree as quickly as possible, graduating at least 50% of students within three years. The program provides students with structured and wide-ranging supports, including financial resources, structured pathways to support academic momentum, and support services such as personalized advisement, tutoring, career readiness workshops, and early engagement opportunities to build a connected community. Since 2007, there have been eleven ASAP cohorts totaling over 33,800 students admitted across nine partner CUNY colleges. ASAP students graduate at more than double the rates of non-ASAP students. To date, across seven cohorts, ASAP has an average graduation rate of 53.4% vs. 24.6% for comparison group students. Thanks to generous support from the City of New York, ASAP is expanding to serve 25,000 students per year by academic year 2018-2019.
In this webinar, you will learn more about CUNY ASAP’s:
Download the presentation here.