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Tips & Tricks

Introducing Monitor, A New Product From Ad Astra

by Kelly Hollowell

Registration is open and excitement is in the air. Students are enrolling, but do you know how your courses are filling? Without visibility into the registration data, it’s almost impossible to prepare and respond to student need.  

When our team realized how much this issue was affecting institutions and student progress, we made it our goal to address these challenges. To this end, I am pleased to introduce MonitorMonitor not only gives visibility but allows you to be notified when courses are nearly full or still struggling to get enrollments.  

Increased Visibility 

  • Track how quickly courses are filling to help you understand how to adjust your offerings during the registration process to meet your students’ needs without wasting resources on unneeded sections.  

Convenient Access 

  • View registration data easily available with clear visualizations 
  • Drill into specific courses to learn how sections are filling 

Threshold Monitoring 

  • Track courses above and below certain enrollment ratio thresholds to help you understand which courses need attention 


  • Select specific courses for which to receive notifications 
  • Be notified of any registration status changes on a course 

Interested in acing your next registration process by ensuring you have all the information you need to tailor your schedule during enrollment? We’d love to show you Monitor and discuss how it can help. Contact us or visit aais.com/monitor to learn more. 

Student Success Course Schedule Monitor Enrollment Monitoring